One year after the launch of the TERSAA programme – Transition des Systèmes Agricoles et Alimentaires sur les Territoires – in West Africa and Latin America, Acting for Life joined its partners in Dassa to draw up an initial mid-term review of the actions carried out in Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo.

Running until 2024, TERSAA aims to improve the resilience of local farming and food systems in the face of climate change, through better control of the downstream stages of the supply chain.

Hosted and moderated by Delphine Bousquet, a freelance journalist, the intermediate workshop was attended by Mr Jean De Vigny SOSSOU HOUEFONDE, Secretary General of the Dassa-Zoumè Prefecture, and Mr Comlan Fagbemon, Mayor of the commune of Bantè. Also present were several experts from the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), who presented an analysis of the data collected under the programme.

Interview with Delphine Bousquet, journalist and moderator of the TERSAA event (in french)

Discover the report produced during this event

TERSAA interim event for a mid-term evaluation, report produced by the Beninese television channel ORTB – Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Bénin, during the TERSAA interim workshop.

The TERSAA programme is based on three interdependent outcomes:
– Producers gain access to new market outlets
– Sustainable and resilient practices are disseminated and adopted
– Mobilisation of stakeholders for the sustainable development of local food systems.

Implemented by Acting for Life and its partners (IMCAASOPEPCCAIJOCPFETDOADELGIC), the programme spans two continents, in five countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Peru and Togo.

The TERSAA programme receives financial support from the Agence française de développement (AFD)Air France, the Communauté d’Agglomération Roissy Pays de FranceSERVAIR, the Fondation AnBer, the Fondation Bel, the Fondation Ditumba, the Fondation de France and the Fondation Girafe Formations.