As part of the TERSAA programme’s interim workshop, the Acting for Life teams and their partners visited the Songhaï agro-ecological centre in Savalou. Created in 1999, this training, production and processing centre is an agro-ecological model renowned for its expertise. The young men and women supported by TERSAA are trained in agriculture, livestock breeding and processing. The 6-month agro-ecological training courses on offer promote sustainable production and consumption.

With the participation of the Confédération Paysanne du Faso (CPF), Entreprises Territoires et Développement (ETD), Organisation pour l’Alimentation et le Développement Local (OADEL), Groupement Intercommunal des Collines (GIC), this enriching visit enabled the operational teams to discover the different farming practices and production techniques implemented at the Songhaï agro-ecological centre. This is an integrated system in which everything is produced and processed on site, particularly as regards feeding livestock (pig farming, poultry farming, fish farming, etc.). Animal waste and agricultural residues are reused to make compost. These agro-ecological practices are precisely in line with the values advocated by the TERSAA programme.