In our Summer 2024 Newsletter, find out more about the association’s 2023 annual report and some of the news and events that marked the month of June.


The year 2023 saw the launch of major projects, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea, in support of youth training and agro-pastoralism, as well as the preservation of ecosystems in Colombia. These projects would not be possible without the support of our financial partners, and I would like to acknowledge and thank the renewed or new commitment of a number of international cooperations and foundations ’, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Chairman of Acting for Life (extract from the 2023 Annual Report).

Following the Acting for Life Annual General Meeting, you can now read our 2023 Annual Report. It outlines the work carried out by the association’s teams in collaboration with our local partners.


From 3 to 8 June 2024, Acting for Life and its partners met in Kédougou, Senegal, for the official launch of PROACT – Projet de développement économique de la filière agropastorale et gouvernance commune des territoires. The launch workshop provided an opportunity for the various stakeholders todiscuss the challenges facing the project. They also visited several sites that will be developed, including a livestock market, a loading bay and a mini-dairy. The aim of the PROACT project is toimprove the living conditions of almost 290,000 people by increasing the productivity of their livestock and supporting the development of the sector’s products (processing and marketing of dairy and meat products).

The 3-year PROACT project is financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and supported by Air France. It is being carried out with the support of three partner organisations: theAssociation des Eleveurs de Kédougou (AEK) in Senegal and the Fédérations Régionales des Eleveurs de la Filière Bétail viande de Kankan (FREFBV-K) and Labé (FREFBV-L) in Guinea.

In northern Togo and northern Benin, the MADE project Maçons de demain : former et insertion dans l’écoconstruction – aims to give vulnerable young people access to training in masonry and eco-construction. The work carried out by Acting for Life and its partners helps to integrate these young people into the world of work and promotes construction using local materials (stone, clay, earth, etc.).

In Togo, the MADE project is financed by theAgence française de développement (AFD), the Fondation AnBer, the Fondation Girafe Formations, the Fondation pour l’Enfance and Air France. On site, the team from our partner, the Togolese NGO GEVAPAF, heard from a number of young men and women who had completed their training in masonry and eco-construction techniques.

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On 30 June, thirty young people received their training completion certificates. The training took place in Dapaong, in the Savanes region of Togo, between 8 January and 28 June 2024. Among them were 15 young masons supported by the MADE project and 15 agropastoralists supported by the PARCS project – Projet d’Appui au Renforcement de la Cohésion Sociale au niveau de territoires transfrontaliers stratégiques.

In 2024, the Fondation pour l’Enfance officially joined Acting for Life’s financial partners by supporting the MADE – Maçons de demain project : training and integration in eco-construction in Togo. Recognised as a charitable organisation, the Fondation pour l’Enfance has been fighting for over 40 years to improve the protection of children and respect for their fundamental rights. Thanks to its financial commitment, the Fondation pour l’Enfance promotes the training and professional integration of young people in a sector of activity that is creating jobs in West Africa. Acting for Life would like to thank the Foundation for its invaluable and decisive support in implementing the project’s activities.

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