As part of the Project to support the training and socio-economic integration of young rural people in the eastern region of Burkina Faso (PROFIL II), financed by the Agence française de développement (AFD), our partner the Réseau de Communication sur le Pastoralisme (RECOPA) has set up a poultry farming training course for 150 young women known as ‘internally displaced persons’ (IDPs).
The current security crisis in eastern Burkina Faso has forced many people to flee their homes to escape conflict. There are more than 2,000,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) nationwide. This represents almost 10% of the population. Because of their displacement, many of them have been forced to cease their economic activity. As a result, these people are left with relatively limited means of subsistence. Women are all the more vulnerable in this situation, as they are exposed to multiple forms of violence.
Training to strengthen the resilience of populations in situations of internal displacement
To ensure the economic recovery of these populations, RECOPA has set up a poultry farming training course. Ultimately, the aim of this training is to enable trainees to set up a poultry farm. Poultry farming is one of the few sectors in Burkina Faso that can both act as a lever for economic growth (a promising sector) and be a powerful tool in the fight against poverty and food insecurity (a strategic sector). Poultry farming provides additional income to agriculture, which is increasingly affected by the vagaries of the weather. In addition, poultry farming is an easy activity for internally displaced people to set up, as it requires little space, whereas these women generally have no access to land.

A successful poultry farming training
The training courses were carried out with technical support from the provincial departments of agriculture, animal resources and fisheries. A total of 150 internally displaced women from 10 communes were trained during the first half of 2024. They have now mastered poultry farming techniques, the poultry feeding system and techniques for making poultry feed with locally available ingredients, rationing techniques and notions about diseases. In the near future, they will be provided with a kit containing a range of equipment. This will enable them to launch their business and maximise their income thanks to this training.
This activity will enable women to improve their socio-economic conditions and become more resilient in the face of displacement. Since its launch in 2022, PROFIL II aims to strengthen the economic resilience and social integration of young men and women, while promoting cohesion within communities.