New challenges for food consumption in urban areas (Inter-réseaux, August 2018) [available in French only] Study on eating habits in West Africa to find ways to boost consumption of local products, Dandoy E., Acting for Life
New challenges for food consumption in urban areas (Inter-réseaux, August 2018) [available in French only] Study on eating habits in West Africa to find ways to boost consumption of local products, Dandoy E., Acting for Life
Acting for Life has published its 2022 Annual Report, outlining the work carried out by our teams on 17 projects in 14 countries. A year punctuated by the collaboration between the NGO and its local partners in West Africa and Latin America.
With a view to pursuing its commitment to the ecological transition and adapting its activities to climate change, Acting for Life is committed to analysing its practices and moving them towards a more sustainable model. With this in mind, the NGO has called on climate expert Camille André.
Faced with the threat that climate change represents for our societies, Acting for Life is aware of the need to question the organisational model of international solidarity actors. AFL is pursuing its commitment to the ecological transition.