New challenges for food consumption in urban areas (Inter-réseaux, August 2018) [available in French only] Study on eating habits in West Africa to find ways to boost consumption of local products, Dandoy E., Acting for Life
New challenges for food consumption in urban areas (Inter-réseaux, August 2018) [available in French only] Study on eating habits in West Africa to find ways to boost consumption of local products, Dandoy E., Acting for Life
ICT in technical and vocational education and training in developing countries (Groupe ONG FIP, 2018) [available in French […]
The livestock market in Agbassa was inaugurated on Saturday, 4 June 2016. Among those in attendance were: our […]
Acting for Life (AFL) pursues the dual objective of reducing gender inequalities and strengthening the economic impact of its projects through greater inclusion of the women who contribute to or benefit from them.
Acting for Life is carrying out a project in Benin to support family farming. This innovative project was […]