This website is the property of Acting for Life.
Acting for Life is a French non-profit organisation (association “loi 1901”) that has been recognised as an entity serving the public interest.
The publisher of this website:
Acting for Life
6 rue de la Haye
93290 Tremblay-en-France
01 49 34 83 13
Publication director: Matthieu de Bénazé, Director
Webmaster: Joséphine Charlot, Communications officer
The organisation:
Entity name: Acting for Life
Legal status: Registered association
SIRET number: 33523283100024
Hosting for the website is provided by:
Address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix
Phone: 08 99 70 17 61
Acting for Life may not be held liable for the use of any of the information provided on its website. The content on our website may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or omissions, and may be modified or updated without notice.
Acting for Life offers a number of links to other websites and may not under any circumstances be held liable for the content of those websites, as Acting for Life has no way of controlling their content.
Intellectual property:
This entire website is subject to French and international law on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations.
Any reproduction of this website is subject to the express prior consent of Acting for Life.
Use of personal data:
The personal data that you provide to Acting for Life through its website ( are processed by automated means. Those data are necessary for the management of external information (newsletters). The collection and processing of that personal data are justified by your consent to receive the newsletters, and by Acting for Life’s legitimate interests to spread the word about its work in order to inform its visitors and strengthen their loyalty, and to analyse those data for statistical purposes.
Those data are intended for Acting for Life’s communications department. They are stored only for the amount of time that is strictly necessary to fulfil the abovementioned purposes. Acting for Life undertakes not to transfer your data. The data collected will not be used for commercial purposes.
In accordance with Article 34 of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. You may exercise that right by contacting us by email ( or by post (40 avenue de l’Europe, 93350 Le Bourget Aéroport).
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Users have the right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated through a cookie, under the abovementioned conditions. Nominative information concerning the user is intended for Acting for Life.