Agropastoral Territorial Analysis Notes: a key tool for anticipating territorial dynamics in West Africa – September 2024

As part of the APAC (Appui aux Populations Affectées par la Crise Sahélienne) and PARCS (Projet d’Appui au Renforcement de la Cohésion Sociale) projects, funded respectively by the CDCS (Centre de Crise et de Soutien) and the AFD (Agence Française de Développement), Acting for Life and its local partners are committed to producing Agropastoral Territorial Analysis Notes.

These notes are published every six months and are part of an in-depth analysis of local dynamics, with a view to resilience and sustainable development.

An appropriate scale for territorial analysis

The approach adopted by the Acting for Life consortium aims to develop analysis systems at intermediate territorial scales between the micro (local) and macro (regional/national) levels. By introducing an intermediate scale, the notes provide a better understanding of the trends specific to rural areas, with a view to sustainable economic and social development. This method of territorial analysis facilitates a more coherent and contextualised overview of agropastoral practices.

Predictive points of attention for the future of rural areas

Each note highlights 2 or 3 major points of attention which, although not exhaustive, provide a significant basis for anticipating future dynamics. For example, these analyses may cover subjects such as :

  1. The necessary adaptations in the face of security, climate and environmental challenges,
  2. The management of shared natural resources and how they influence transhumance,
  3. The socio-economic impact of migratory flows on rural communities.

These focus areas explore elements which, although identified in current contexts, reveal trends that could become structuring in the medium and long term.

A tool to guide public policy

The Notes d’Analyse Territoriales Agropastorales (Agropastoral Territorial Analysis Notes) are intended as decision-making tools for decentralised and devolved authorities. Through this analytical approach, Acting for Life and its partners provide local stakeholders and decision-makers with key information for building sustainable resilience and anticipating the future needs of agropastoral areas in West Africa.

The regular publication of the Notes d’Analyse Territoriale Agropastorale shows the commitment of Acting for Life and its partners to encouraging a refined and adapted understanding of territories in order to better guide agropastoral initiatives and promote sustainable resource management in rural African areas.